Sunday, April 5, 2020

"We are all just pris-on-ers here...Of our o-own dee-vice"... lyrics from Hotel California by the Eagles.

First, if you like, take a well-deserved break and enjoy The Eagles in the 1970's... listen for "we are all just prison ers here... of our own device"... and consider what is going on now.

Jon Rappoport keeps referring to his concept of breaking out of the "matrix". I'm not really "getting it" but I do read his freeby posts on the topic. And something about what he wrote this morning led to think that I myself have freed myself-- at least for today-- Sunday--- from the oppression I've experienced over the past week.

I've already done my legwork confirming that the virus shutdown circus is merely a phony front and distraction for financial economy collapse... and possible coup and take-over by imperial interests embedded in international banking-- and they do NOT intend to stop. Sooooooo... we the people are going to have to stop them somehow. My first choice is to ignore their stupid executive orders for stay at home in Arizona. I've already been out MORE than normal today-- walking the canal, doing my UPS copies for piano lessons, visiting TWO grocery stores when ONE would have sufficed and sitting in the front yard in the beautiful Arizona spring sun watching the birds. I have more screen time inside than I would like so I'm redoubling my efforts to get out.

Last night, instead of staying at home to cook, me and Dorothy intentionally ordered out at a fave restaurant Via de la Santos where I nodded my head at others waiting to pick up their orders and handed a few people my little calling card that says "Corona is a HOAX... visit" which is Jon Rappoport's site where I post to comments frequently. I've been wearing my lanyard whenever I go out upon which I've taped the same phrase. Some people look. Nobody stops me. It's perfectly legal.

Speaking of legal, they now say that there is an executive order by Gov. Doug Doucey to stay at home and minimize trips around town. Well, I'm in touch with a law firm to verify that his exec. order means zero. Because it's not the law. It has not gone through legislature. Police cannot enforce it though a local report says police will look for people defying the order and present them with information on why they should stay home. Isn't that special? (Church Lady, SNL 1980's, David Spade).

I would urge people around the country-- as well as Canada and other freedom loving countries-- to OPENLY defy stay at home orders on the grounds that its unconstitutional, stupid and not neccessary... because the virus is a hoax... being used to enslave us bit by bit... leading to computer chip loaded vaccines... This is tantamount to an invasion of the BORG on STAR TREK.. where they had that phrase "resistance is futile". Well... it's NOT futile. Let's show them CREATIVE RESISTANCE...

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