I don't have time to get into this idea right now but it appears to have been a complete coup executed by UNITED STATES CORPORATION against the United States Republic. Search on "the twho united states" https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Awr9JhXANopeJZ4AtRyJzbkF?p=the+two+united+states+and+fake+law&fr=sfp&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot&stype=web
I found this idea of two different united states in "Tools for Freedom" by ISA in HI... at 1-800-770-8802 and www.ToolsForFreedom.com
1. "United States" as a constitional Republic of 50 sovereign states with "common law", "law of the land" and deals with living breathing people.
2. "UNITED STATES" as legislative Democracy, private corporation, under commercial law, Admiralty Law, Law of the Sea and "persons" as legal inventions.
FLAGS of the UNITED STATES [CORPORATION] v.s the United States [Republic]
The UNITED STATES (with a gold braid around the flag) has made a move against the United States (Republic) (without the gold braid around edge of flag.)

1. "United States" as a constitional Republic of 50 sovereign states with "common law", "law of the land" and deals with living breathing people.
2. "UNITED STATES" as legislative Democracy, private corporation, under commercial law, Admiralty Law, Law of the Sea and "persons" as legal inventions.
FLAGS of the UNITED STATES [CORPORATION] v.s the United States [Republic]
The UNITED STATES (with a gold braid around the flag) has made a move against the United States (Republic) (without the gold braid around edge of flag.)
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