Sunday, April 12, 2020

Oxygen Factors

Oxygen Factors.

1. Designer virus theory-- The first time I thought maybe there's a designer virus... that gets into the bloodstream... is Anna Von Reitz's theory.

2. 5G 60 Ghz oxygen resonance theory as early at 2009 on EDM.


CANNOT "CATCH" germs... Bee Wilder
You Cannot "Catch" Germs, Bacteria or Viruses

RESOLUTION of the PARADOX... that viruses can't be "caught" and don't naturally "spread"  (i.e., germ theory denial, Bechamp, etc. )... and Von Reitz designer virus theory-- that the CoVid19 resonates at 60Hz... is that the VAX PROGRAM is SPECIFICALLY aimed at getting the DESIGNER VIRUS CoVID19 INTO the bloodstream! This is consistent with the VAX-nanotech theory.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopath medical doctor, board certified in three specialties. In the first half, she discussed how some US states have been imposing mandatory vaccination for all school age children and how she predicted the effort could be a precursor to mandatory vaccination for the general public. Now that a vaccination for COVID-19 is reportedly in development the idea becomes more likely, she offered.

PROBLEM: Do we have BOTH 5G 60 GHz oxygen resonance AND the injection of CoVid19 Designer NanoBot going on at the same time? Is CoVid19 "called" a "virus' when in fact it's something LIKE a virus but not?


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