Thursday, April 16, 2020


COUNCIL of STATE GOVERNMENTS... have been OVER-RIDDEN by Trump's last order-- of something to do with him declaring EMERGENCY in all 50 states... AND calling for OPEN OUR COUNTRY AGAIN COUNCIL... he's calling HIS thing a COUNCIL... and his council is going to superceded that STATE GOVERNMENT Council... as a battle of the COUNCILS? (conjecture)
Thurs. April 16, 2020. by Rick Potvin of Phoenix, AZ (Piano performer and teacher) The above post was forwarded from my Tuesday file this week. It was part of another post that I've delineated to index separately. I believe we can fight the corona crap as keyboard warriors but only with viable indexing and keywords like Wikipedia has. It turns out that that phrase that I first heard-- "Open Our Country Council" "task force" has not been used in the MSM since its creation. I acryonymned it OOCC-tf for the next door neighbours which got a laugh. I suggested we call it GAWA to mimic MAGA... in this case GAWA would be Get American Working Again. Today, on C-span, there was a "corona virus council" broadcast that consisted of boring restatements of obvious falsehoods by governors of various states. I was expected Trump... but he was on later at a presser... and reading from a paper in a boring tone of voice-- telling us that there is a 3 stage re-entry into the economy. This was not the Trump I know. Later, Fuuci, FAucxi, Falsy... said that BEFORE we enter stage one, there is a barrier. I switched this fox garbage off. Trump should have fired foochi and scarf lady a long time ago.

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