Thursday, April 16, 2020

Bill DeBlasio - a Communist -- but worse-- something alien to civilization whatever that is.

Bill de Blasio -- a Communist

Bill DeBlasio - a Communist -- but worse-- something alien to civilization whatever that is.

Rick says-- We can start naming names on blogs like this. If Blogger takes me down, I don't care anymore. I'm backed up. DeBlassio irritates me because FOX tv puts him on for hours at a time spewing nonsense that doesn't even have production value. I'm a piano performer for retirement homes in Arizona and I teach piano lessons to kids of all ages.. so I know what entertainment is. DeBlasio fails at that. I think he ought to "hang high" for treason, let alone not being entertaining. I would pull the lever that drops the gate under his feet. I would even go so far as to GONG him on the Chuck Willary show, the Gong Show-- which is WORSE than literal execution because he would experience the embarrasment afterward. I think the worse punishment in the universe is to be laughed at and taken care of... in prison. DeBlasio qualifies for that. OOOOhhhh... I'm still young enough to potentially see that happen. Yessss! 

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