I had occasion to have to return some computer gear to Fry's Electronics today. More on that later. They have signs posted around the Customer Service area repeating the insane foolish notion that you're to keep at least "six" feet away from everyone else. Clerks are wearing gloves. In addition, they have sheets of paper on all desks as follows...
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Of course, I "discussed this" with the clerk-- who kept his distance. I didn't have any flyers to hand him but people I hand my "VIRUS HOAX" paper to won't "touch" it because they believe it might have a DEADLY VIRUS on it. SHEER idiocy compounded by sheer ignorance. What fools people "in general" have become.
I used to like the USA. No more. The USA is, literally, an INSANE asylum. I'm going to explore which countries are NOT buying into this insane hoax... and, given time and opportunity, move there. I still have a few decades of life to go... and THIS INCIDENT has convinced me that I am NOT in any way... a part of this population of complete, total, 99% retarded obedient-to-the-CEO and city-council zombie slaves... In my current view, the USA has no future because the population's ideas of freedom, Free Enterprise, the American Way (to fight any illness) has been subverted. Here's a start-- International Living ... https://pro.internationalliving.com/p/BBW_19/EILVW352/?a=12&o=21607&s=45237&u=5872750&l=593538&r=MC2&vid=WQiINl&g=0&h=true
Canadians are falling for the same scam.... hook, line and sinker... with emphasis on SINKER. They all have the internet to research this... and they can ALL FIND Jon Rappaport, and others like Ron Paul and George Noori... and they can all at least take a look at GERM THEORY DENIAL and have second thoughts about SHUTTING THE COUNTRY and local computer stores down. But noooooooo! (John Belushi style). They all TOW the SAME stupid lines that they're told to... without one HINT of questioning authority. Americans are now zombies... just like in the zombie movies. I want out. I'll get out. I'll leave. I'll start planning today.
After I was done at Fry's, I went right next door to BEST BUY. I avoided the apparent security guards checking cars on the way in and parked at a point where I could walk into the store without that stupid treatment. I got a few feet in the door when someone yelled "SIR! SIR!.. YOU CAN'T come IN!!!"... I pretended not to hear and kept walking toward the department I had in mind. The doors were open and not barred. I was then confronted QUICKLY by three people wearing their yellow security straps. They blocked me and told me I cannot come in. I acted dumbfounded... which was pretty accurate anyway. Conversation in elevated volume took place, relatively politely but sternly and none of my questions were answered. I left... but at least got the adrenaline rush and confrontation I was looking for to test the situation. So this is what Mao Tse Tung's People's Revolution must have looked like.
I normally let SUNDAY-- the only day now that Deep State is taking a break-- (they said so-- via Chuck Schumer who said "They have ways to get back at [Trump] six ways from Sunday-- leaving Sunday for us)-- I normally let Sunday roll the way it "wants'. Today I cracked upon my bag of Oyster Crackers for my early happy hour beer... I got the Oyster Crackers because they looked like little Corona Viruses. Wouldn't it be fitting for me to eat images of Carona Virus as a personal protest against the fakery?
It takes a little imagination, but not much, to see that those Oyster Crackers look very much like the PILLOW of the Corona virus distributed at EVENT 201 in October 2019 where they PLANNED this HOAX... this DRILL... that POMPEO let slip is a drill with Trump responding "you should have let us know".... You'd think Trump would be all over this to shut it down... but nope. He just continues his own version of insanity by ORDERING car companies to make "ventilators" despite Hospitals being relatively non-busy. Here's the pillow-- I wonder the "PILLOW GUY" thinks this might offer him some competition?
Apparently, Ron Paul is now front and center in resistance to Corona virus shutdown. I say... Ron Paul for President. I don't care, anymore, how four dimensional Trump is. This thing has gone too far. And I think he's finished. Bring in the Libertarians. Before I leave the USA, I'll see if there's any hope in that direction.
Where are they in this mess? I don't see them piping up and resisting. I'll look further.
I wouldn't have minded escaping from the matrix as Jon describes but he wants $300 for it. And 10 hours of time. All I wanted this week was to have my regular piano lesson students for my routine $300 per week income.
BILL MAHAR FOR VP with RON PAUL (Rand is a suck who quarantined himself.. moron)
I'd like to see a Paul/Mahar ticket for November.
There are stories out there now about Trump taking on the Fed. Yeah. Okay. That's fine but why that have to destroy my teaching business and teach people to keep six feet away from healthy people, making even private piano lesson impossible? The ends justifies the means? No, I think not. Trump is cooked in my opinion.
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